ASPICE (17) 썸네일형 리스트형 ASPICE - SUP.10 /Change Request Management BP1. Develop a change request management strategy BP2. Identify and record change requests BP3. Record the status of change requests BP4. Analyze and assess change requests BP5. Approve change requests before implementation BP6. Review the implementation of change requests BP7. Track change requests to closure BP8. Establish bidrectional traceability ※ CRM VS PRM - CRM은 변경 승인 요청에 초점을.. ASPICE - SUP.9 /Problem Resolution Management BP1. Develop a problem resolution management strategy BP2. Identify and record the problem BP3. Record the status of problems BP4. Diagnose the cause and determine the impact of the problem BP5. Authorize urgent resolution action BP6. Raise alert notification BP7. Initiate problem resolution BP8. Track problem to closure BP9. Analyze problem trends - Product/Project/Process 관점에서 존재 ASPICE - SUP.8 /Configuration Management ※Configuration(형상) - 개발에 필요한 산출물(guide line, template...) ● 형상관리 4대 요소 1. 식별 : 형상 항목 2. 통제 : 변동사항, 상태 변화 통제 3. 보고 4. 감사(Configuration Audit) BP1. Develop a configuration management strategy - Responsibilites, tools & repositories, criteria for configuration items, naming(산출물), access right, criteria for base line, merge & branch strategy, the revision history approach for configurati.. ASPICE - SUP.1 /Quality Assurance BP1. Develop a project quality assurance strategy - Work product & Process quality를 보증하기 위한 전략을 수립하는 Practice BP2. Assure quality of work products - Check list에 따라 제대로 수행되고 있는지 검토하는 Practice BP3. Assure quality of process activities - SYRS가 잘 작성되었는지, Process가 적절한지를 Audit(Check list) 하는 Practice BP4. Summarize and communicate quality assurance activities and results BP5. Ensure resolu.. ASPICE - ACQ.4 /Supplier Monitoring BP1. Agree on and maintain joint process, joint interface, and information to be exhange - 계약서 작성 practice BP2. Exchange all agreed information BP3. Review technical development with the supplier BP4. Review progress of the supplier - 진행 상태를 점검하는 practice BP5. Act to correct deviations - 문제에 대한 적절한 조치를 취하는 practice ASPICE - MAN.3 /Project Management BP1. Define the scope of work - Project의 goal, boundary를 정하는 practice BP2. Define project life cycle - Project의 기간을 stackholder와 협의를 통해 정하는 practice BP3. Evaluate feasibility of the project - 시간, 자원 등 Project와 관련된 요소들을 평가하는 practice BP4. Define, monitor and adjust project activities - WBS(Work Breakdown structure) : Project를 특정 단위로 세분화 하는 과정, Project를 체계화 하는데 도움이 됨 - Critical Path : .. ASPICE - SYS.5 /System Qualification Test BP1. Develop System qualification test strategy including regression test strategy BP2. Develop Specification for system qualifcation test BP3. Select test cases BP4. Test integrated system BP5. Establish bidirectional traceability BP6. Ensure consistency BP7. Summarize and communicate results ASPICE - SYS.4 /System Integration and Integration Test BP1. Develop System Integration strategy BP2. Develop system Integration test strategy including regression test strategy BP3. Develop Specification for system integration test BP4. Integrate system items BP5. Select test cases BP6. Perform system integration test BP7. Establish bidirectional traceability BP8. Ensure consistency BP9. Summarized and communicate results 이전 1 2 3 다음 목록 더보기